Section 1: Statement of Intent
It is our Policy to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that all our activities are carried out safely and do not pose a risk to the health of our Members or others. This will be in accordance with good practice and any relevant statutory provisions where they apply. The Association has no paid employees.
Our activities include the arrangement and organisation of bell ringing at meetings and events, social activities, training sessions and the inspection and/or maintenance of bells. The bells may be in churches, other premises including public buildings, schools and privately owned premises and could be tower bells, handbells or using simulated sound. This Policy does not cover the activities of Members that are not organised by the Association. Officers and Members of the Association undertake to consider seriously the risks of damage and injury. They will take responsibility for their own health and safety and that of others when involved with the Association in any way.
The Officers of the Association will support and advise Members on Health and Safety matters. They will appoint a named individual to develop this Policy and lead its implementation, assisted by others where required.
Section 2: Responsibilities for Health & Safety
The leadership of Health and Safety matters for the Association is the responsibility of the President, assisted by the Secretary.
The Members in those current roles are:
- President (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.): Colin North
- Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.): Susan Bryce
The Officers of the Association are responsible for the following:
- To produce, regularly update and publish the Health and Safety Policy on the SACR website, taking advice from others and the views of Members when appropriate;
- To communicate this Policy to Members and others involved in Association activities;
- To investigate, record and report on Health and Safety related incidents as soon as possible after their occurrence;
- To report to the SACR Committee Meeting when necessary, and annually to Members at the AGM;
- To ensure that Members are trained and informed of Health and Safety matters appropriate for activities that they undertake with the Association;
- To ensure that written Risk Assessments are prepared for activities organised by the Association;
- To advise on minimising risks when training novice ringers in bell handling;
- To advise on precautions to be taken by those working in the belfry (signage, no lone working, tools, working at heights, manual handling, use of personal protective equipment, hazardous materials, etc.);
- To set a personal example on matters of Health and Safety;
- To advise others involved in Association activities of any risks and hazards, including the use of appropriate signage.
All Members of the Association will:
- Support the Association Officers on Health and Safety matters;
- Read and implement this Policy;
- Complete appropriate training and maintain their competence in activities that they undertake;
- Follow advice and guidance offered to them in matters relating to Health and Safety during Association activities;
- Take reasonable care of their own Health and Safety, and that of others;
- Use appropriate protective measures when required;
- Report any Health and Safety incidents or concerns to the President and Secretary as soon as they occur;
- Follow Health and Safety policies and advice provided by other organisations during Association activities.
Section 3: Arrangements for Health & Safety
This Policy will be reviewed and approved annually at the January SACR Committee Meeting by the Officers, and signed off as acceptable by the President. Health and Safety matters will be considered when necessary at meetings of the Officers.
Association activities will be organised by people who are competent to do so. An appropriate Risk Assessment must be completed prior to Association activities including procedures for managing emergency incidents.
The Association will provide appropriate training for Members and others involved in its activities.
Accidents and Health and Safety incidents will be recorded and reported appropriately.