d. 12 Nov 2020
Ruth Marshall wrote this tribute to Ian Peacock, who died on 12 November:
I was sad to hear today that ex. Paisley, St James’ ringer Ian Peacock died this morning (12 November). Ian hadn’t been well for a while and was in a care home, but I don’t remember him like that ... I remember a very kind and generous man with a cheeky wee smile. I first met him when I was a teenager. I’d learnt to ring at Morpeth (light 8 in Northumberland) so when we moved to Scotland, Glasgow’s ten were a scary prospect & I took refuge at Paisley on the easier 8. At our Monday night practices, we had tea & biscuits (and Jelly Babies) mid-evening. During the Summer months, we went up to Ian’s house after practice for a swim in his pool. He was in the hotel trade and we benefited from some excellent tower meals out as a result!
He learnt to ring when he was under 16 years old and rang at the SACR meeting in 1944, yet I was privileged to ring in his first peal in 1999! The peal board currently hangs on a wall at Glasgow, rescued when Paisley church closed and the bells were removed.
He was a great man and I’m very thankful to have known him. Rest in Peace x
PAISLEY, Strathclyde, St James
Saturday 27 February, 1999, 3h 25 (22-1-17cwt)
5040 Plain Bob Triples
Comp: R. Bailey
1. Rose M Hancock
2. Ian Peacock
3. Alexander C Scott
4. Eric McNally
5. Terry G Williams
6. Ruth M Williams
7. Robert J Hancock (C)
8. Gavin Howat
1st peal: 2, 8.
Ruth Marshall