The Scottish Association of Change Ringers Bell Restoration is a registered charity which makes grants towards installing new rings of bells, augmenting existing rings and maintaining existing rings in Scotland. In past few years the following grants have been awarded:

  • £9000 to St Andrew's and St George's, Edinburgh
    Restoring the original ring of 8 bells which were previously unringable
  • £6000 to St Mary's, Edinburgh
    Augmenting the ring of 10 to 12 by the addition of two new trebles
  • £18000 to St John's, Dumfries
    The installation of a new ring ring of 8 bells
  • £2000 to St Andrew's, Inverness
    The recasting of the 9th bell

The Bell Restoration fund relies on donations from individuals to be able to maintain Scotland's 22 rings of bells and look to install new ones. If you would like to make a donation details can be found here including how to gift-aid your donation.

The Scottish Association of Change Ringers Bell Restoration Fund is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC011080
