The Association shall be known as The Scottish Association of Change Ringers.
The aims and objectives of the Association shall be to be of service to churches in Scotland through:-
a) The promotion and maintenance of ringing of bells for Christian worship, at other times and on other occasions, as appropriate.
b) The encouragement of the art of change ringing.
c) The provision of training and instruction in the art of change ringing.
d) The improvement in the standards of change ringing.
e) The encouragement of a friendly and social relationship within the ringing community and the promotion of good relations with churches and the general public.
f) The care of bells and the structures containing them by the provision of advice on maintenance and restoration.
The Association shall be affiliated to the Central Council of Church Bellringers.
Any Society of ringers resident in Scotland may request to become an affiliated Society of the Association. These will generally be towers with change ringing bells in Scotland.
Each affiliated society shall have a correspondent who shall send all subscriptions for the members of the Society to the Secretary when they fall due and, in any case, not later than the first meeting of the year of the Association. The correspondent shall also send to the Secretary and Publicity Officer such information as is necessary and required for inclusion in the Association's Annual Report and Newsletters. The correspondent shall receive notices from the Secretary and shall promptly bring these to the attention of the members of the Society.
The Association shall admit individual membership of the Association as Honorary, Life, Resident, Associate or Non-Resident members.
a) Honorary Members. An Honorary member shall be a person, not a ringer, who has given valuable service to the Association.
b) Life Members. A Life member shall be a person who has given outstanding service to the Association and on whom the Association has exceptionally conferred life membership.
c) Resident Members. A Resident member shall be a person who is resident in Scotland who demonstrates significant interest in and commitment to the practice of Change Ringing by satisfying the Ringing Master or member who nominates them as to their ability to ring a tower bell to rounds and call changes, or to ring two handbells to a plain course of Plain Bob Minor, or who regularly joins a virtual practice of an SACR resident band and demonstrates their ability to ring one inside bell to a plain course of Plain Bob Minor.
d) An Associate member shall be a person who is resident in Scotland, does not qualify as a Resident member, but has a strong interest in the aims of the Association and may wish to become a full ringing member. Associate membership confers no rights in the activities or affairs of the Association and is not entitled to speak or vote at meetings. Further, associate members will not be counted in the aggregate of ringing membership of the Association.
e) Formerly Resident Members. A formerly resident member is a person who resides outside Scotland but who has had a period of residence in Scotland such as to have paid three annual resident subscriptions. Formerly resident members may not vote at business meetings, although they may speak to the meeting, nor may they vote in belfry elections for membership.
f) Non-Resident Members. A Non-Resident member is a person who resides outside Scotland, does not qualify as a formerly resident member, but who in all other respects has attained the standard required of resident ringing members. However, non-resident members may not vote at business meetings, although they may speak to the meeting, nor may they vote in belfry elections for membership.
a) Honorary and Life Members. Honorary and Life members may be elected at any business meeting of the Association, providing their nomination has been included in the agenda for the meeting.
b) A resident member may be elected at any business meeting (held either virtually or in person) and should be present at that meeting and, provisionally, by a majority of resident members present, prior to a peal attempt for the Association. Such belfry election must be ratified at the next business meeting of the Association.
c) An Associate member must be sponsored by a Resident member and declare the reason for claiming associate membership. They may be elected at any business meeting (held either virtually or in person).
d) Non-Resident members. Non-resident members shall be elected on the same terms and conditions as resident members.
A non-resident member who becomes resident in Scotland transfers to resident member status upon payment of the annual subscription. It is expected that any non-resident member taking up residence in Scotland and actively participating in ringing would become a resident member.
A resident member who moves or has moved away from Scotland shall become a formerly resident member provided that the period of residence in Scotland has been such as to have paid three annual resident subscriptions. For a lesser period of resident membership, payment of the prevailing non-resident subscription shall have to be made for transfer to non-resident membership.
a) Honorary and Life members. Honorary and life members shall not be required to pay a subscription.
b) Resident members. Resident members shall pay an annual subscription, due on the 1st January each year, of an amount that the Association shall determine at an Annual General Meeting of the Association. New members shall pay a subscription immediately upon election and in the case of belfry elections at the next business meeting.
Subscriptions paid by new members elected after 1st October will cover for the period through to 31st December of the following year.
A member whose subscription is in arrears shall have no right to speak or vote at meetings of the Association. Any member in arrears for more than two years shall cease to be a member of the Association
c) Associate members will pay a subscription of 50% of that for resident members.
d) Formerly resident members. Formerly resident members shall not be required to pay a subscription.
e) Non-resident members. Non-resident members shall pay a single subscription of such sum as may be determined at an Annual General Meeting of the Association.
f) Life subscriptions. Those members who paid life subscriptions under the rules applying to 12th May 1990 shall continue to be members of the Association without payment of further subscriptions.
The management of the Association shall be vested in the Officers of the Association and in the Committee.
The Officers of the Association shall be:-
a) President.
b) Ringing Master.
c) Secretary.
d) Treasurer.
e) Central Council Representatives.
f) Publicity Officer
g) Bells and Towers Advisor.
h) Training Officer
i) Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Officer
All Officers shall be Resident Ringing Members and, except for the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
Each Officer shall hold office for one year, with the exception of the Central Council representatives and Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer, and may offer themselves for re-election.
The Office of Ringing Master, while being an annually electable role, shall not be held by the same person for more than five consecutive years.
The Central Council representatives shall hold office for three years or such other term as the Central Council may decide.
The Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer is not an elected office but is appointed by the President and ratified by any meeting of the Association. This appointment will be reviewed annually, or as required.
No member may hold more than one office, except for the Central Council Representative and Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer who may hold one other office.
The Officers of the Association can delegate some of their tasks to other members of the Association (e.g. responsibility for the production of the Annual Report), however, such delegation should be approved/ratified at a committee meeting.
• President
The President shall chair all business meetings or social gatherings of the Association or, if unable to attend, shall nominate a deputy. Failing such nomination, the meeting or gathering shall elect its own chair. The President or their nominee or elected chair shall have a second or casting vote whenever a vote is tied.
The Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer reports directly to the President.
• Ringing Master
The Ringing Master shall organise ringing at Association meetings and shall arrange such other ringing activities as they judge will best further the objects of the Association.
The responsibility for keeping the Association's Peal Records up to date lies with the Ringing Master.
The Ringing Master is responsible for appointing a judge for the striking competition.
According to the SACR Protection of Vulnerable Groups Policy, the Ringing Master shall require to have a disclosure check.
• Secretary
The Secretary shall receive from the Treasurer such advances as are necessary to pay the authorised expenses of this office and shall remit the balance in hand together with all receipts, vouchers and accounts to the Treasurer as soon as they are received.
The Secretary shall collect all subscriptions and maintain a list of members of the Association together with the dates of their election and ensure new members are issued with a Membership Certificate.
The Secretary shall convene all meetings of the Association and prepare minutes of all such meetings.
The Secretary is responsible for maintaining an archive of the records of the Association.
The Secretary shall make the arrangements for Association meetings and shall ensure that the details of such meetings are communicated to each affiliated Society and to unattached members who so request in good time before each meeting and for the same details to be published widely in the ringing community at least eight days before the meeting.
The Secretary shall ensure that the requirements of convening and organising committee meetings and the Annual General meeting of the Association are properly communicated and dealt with to Officers, towers and members of the Association.
• Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive from the Secretary all monies together with vouchers and receipts as they are received. Any monies received directly from members of the association in relation to membership fees will be advised to the Secretary.
The Treasurer will prepare full accounts which are to be presented in draft to the first committee meeting of the year. These accounts, when accepted by the committee and independently examined by a suitable person according to the prevailing legislative requirements, shall be presented to the Annual General meeting for approval.
The Treasurer will ensure that they have received the appropriate peal fees in relation to each peal recorded in the Association Peal Records prior to the publication of the Annual Report, and will forward details of any peals for which a fee is received to the Ringing Master.
The Treasurer shall advance to the Officers of the Association such monies as are necessary for the expenses of the Association, and have been agreed by the committee of the Association.
The Treasurer shall invest the monies of the Association as directed by the committee, to whom the Treasurer shall act as advisor.
The Treasurer shall prepare estimates of the likely expenditure from all accounts and present these to the first committee meeting of the year.
• Central Council Representatives
The Central Council Representatives shall attend meetings of the Central Council and present a report to the next business meeting of the Association.
The number of representatives is determined by the prevailing rules of the Central Council and as deemed desirable by the Association.
• Publicity Officer
The Publicity Officer shall prepare the Annual Report of the activities of the Association, the form and content of the report to be agreed by the committee.
The Publicity Officer shall communicate news and events on a regular basis, including reports on meetings of the Association, to the membership and wider ringing community as appropriate. The Publicity Officer shall also promote and report the activities of the Association as appropriate.
• Bells and Towers Advisor
The Bells and Towers Advisor shall be concerned with the maintenance, restoration and installation of bells in Scotland and shall provide guidance, advice and assistance to affiliated towers on such matters at their request. They shall also be the Association's representative when similar requests are received from other bodies or individuals seeking informed opinion and advice on towers and bells.
• Training Officer
The Training Officer will work with the Ringing Master to develop a rolling programme of training events to support all levels of ringing, and will assist them with delivery of the programme. They will assist with promoting Association of Ringing Teachers (ART) and other good teaching practice across all towers in Scotland. Together with the Ringing Master they will promote an atmosphere of striving for excellence, encouraging all ringers to achieve their goals. They will monitor success and keep the programme aligned with changing needs.
• Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer
Enforcement of the SACR Protection of Vulnerable Groups Policy is the role of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer.
The Association Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer will: ensure compliance with the SACR Protection of Vulnerable Groups Policy, ensure it is kept up to date with current legislation, keep a list of members of the Association with disclosure/enhanced disclosure, be aware of local Protection of Vulnerable Groups arrangements at local towers, ensure confidentiality of all private information.
The Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer reports directly and confidentially to the President of the Association.
The Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer shall be able to demonstrate suitable and current Protection of Vulnerable Groups awareness training. Where necessary and appropriate, the SACR shall reimburse the costs of this training. Similar training should be demonstrated by other Officers as determined by the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer.
In addition, the following Officers will also act as Trustees of The Scottish Association of Change Ringers Bell Restoration Fund, a charity registered in Scotland, No SC011080 which has a separate constitution (subject to them being eligible as trustees according to the constitution of the BRF):
President; Secretary; Treasurer, Bells & Towers Advisor, Ringing Master.
The committee of the Association shall consist of the Office bearers of the Association together with one representative nominated by each affiliated Society not already represented by an Office bearer. Ordinary members of the Association are welcome to attend committee meetings.
The committee of the Association may be convened:-
a) By the President and Secretary at any time.
b) By any two committee members giving notice to the Secretary.
A committee meeting must be held on the occasion of the Association's first meeting of the year, or separately at this time, but no later than 28th February.
At all times two weeks notice of the date of a committee meeting has to be given by the Secretary to committee members, to affiliated Societies and, by request, to unattached members. Such notice shall give details of the matters to be discussed.
Two Office bearers plus two others shall form a quorum of the committee.
The committee shall manage the affairs of the Association and shall be responsible to the members for the correct and proper organisation and control of the Association. It shall hold such meetings as it considers necessary, in addition to the first meeting of the year, to dispose of the business of the Association and shall submit to the business meetings of the Association reports of its deliberations and actions.
The committee shall instruct the Treasurer, from whom they shall seek advice, on the investment and disbursement of the funds of the Association
At the first meeting of the year of the committee it shall:-
a) Receive and approve the provisional accounts for the previous year.
b) Receive and review the reports of Officers for inclusion in the Annual Report of the Association.
c) Draw up a preliminary programme for the ensuing year's meetings and events, for circulation prior to the Annual General meeting of the Association.
d) Confirm the expenses to be paid to the Central Council representative for attending meetings.
The Association has the following aims and objectives concerning bell restoration.
a) Providing advice and guidance, on request, to affiliated Societies and towers on matters of bell maintenance.
b) Assisting and supporting bell restoration/augmentation projects in Scotland – although any financial grant would be made by the separately constituted charity – The Scottish Association of Change Ringers Bell Restoration Fund.
c) Promoting the installation of new rings of bells in Scotland.
d) Promoting the organising of fund raising activities for the benefit of the charity – the Scottish Association of Change Ringers Bell Restoration Fund
The Annual General meeting of the Association shall be held at a tower of an affiliated Society on the third Saturday in May and failing this on a Saturday as near as possible to this date.
The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include:-
a) The President's report.
b) The Treasurer's report incorporating the accounts of all Association funds.
c) The Secretary's report including a report of the Committee's work.
d) The Ringing Master's report.
e) The report of the separately constituted charity – the Scottish Association of Change Ringers Bell Restoration Fund
f) Adoption of the Association's Annual Report.
g) Election of Office Bearers.
h) Confirmation of the ensuing year's programme of meetings and events.
i) Any other business notified to the Secretary by a member at least six weeks before the date of the Annual General meeting and circulated by the Secretary to affiliated societies and members with the notice convening the Annual General meeting.
j) Any other business that two thirds of voting members present at the Annual General meeting agree shall be admitted for consideration but subject to the covenants on amending the Constitution and Rules of the Association.
The Secretary shall give four weeks notice to affiliated societies, and, by request, to unattached members, of the date of the Annual General Meeting, such notice to include the details of the business to be transacted.
Twelve resident members including at least two Officers shall form a quorum at the Annual General Meeting.
No amendment or addition shall be made to the constitution and rules of the Association except at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose.
Proposals for the amendment or addition of the constitution and rules, in writing and signed by two resident members, must be submitted to the Secretary at least six weeks before the date of an Annual General Meeting or of a Special General Meeting.
A Special General Meeting may be convened at any time by the committee or, by twelve resident members making a written and signed request to the Secretary stating the proposals for consideration at such a meeting. In both cases eight weeks notice of the date of the meeting is required to be given to the Secretary who shall immediately inform affiliated Societies, and, by request, unattached members of the Special General Meeting and the outline of the matters to be presented to the meeting.
Formal proposals and representations to a Special General Meeting are to be notified to the Secretary at least six weeks in advance of the date of the meeting and the Secretary shall give four weeks notice to affiliated Societies, and, by request, to unattached members of the date, time and agenda for the Special General Meeting.
Twelve resident members including at least two Officers shall form a quorum at a Special General Meeting.
All peals rung for the Association and complying with the rules of the Central Council regarding peals shall normally only be accepted for entry into the Association's Peal Records, provided:-
a) At least half of the peal band are Resident or Formerly Resident members, with a minimum of 2 Resident members; or all of the peal band are Resident or Formerly Resident Members.
b) The subscriptions of ringing members have been paid.
c) A peal fee as defined by the Association has been collected by the conductor and has been passed on to the Treasurer as soon as possible after the peal, along with details of the peal.
d) All peals are promptly submitted for publication in “The Ringing World" where they will be picked up for the Associations' Peal Records.
The Association's Peal Records will be published on the Association website and updated at least annually. The responsibility for keeping the records up to date lies with the Ringing Master, although this can be delegated to another committee member if they are willing to assume responsibility.
A decision for the dissolution of the Association shall only be made at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose.
In the event of dissolution all monies standing to the credit of the Association, after payment of outstanding accounts. shall be disposed of to such charitable bell funds as the Association may select. All books, records and other belongings shall be handed over to the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers.
Last updated: May 2023